The Week of Love
Saint Valentine's Day is just around the corner! People anxiously start thinking what to get their loved ones! Is this just another day aimed at buying things? We rush to buy flowers, books, perfume... Even at school our kids bring candy to each other and make a cute Valentine's Day card.
Lets start changing our mindset. Wouldn't it be better to show our love for others with actions? Perhaps choosing this week to love by purposefully smiling, saying thank you, I love you… by helping others! This is what Valentine's Day should be about. If after choosing to show love in every action you still want to get something for your loved one, do so being mindful of what you are giving!
Our daughter has to bring a present for every classmate, so we have decided to give a gift that represents life. Instead of giving candy, which is a short-lived feel good item with many adverse consequences, we have chosen to give a beautiful little succulent plant to each kid. Succulents are easy to take care of, require little water but lots of sun and love. Give thought as to how your present can breathe love in every aspect.
Alexandra labeled every succulent plant with sticky printer labels with each kid's name.
Organic cotton requires no pesticides or herbicides showing love to Earth, those who tend the fields, and the ones you love. In honor to those who would like to give an Organic Jolly Dragons Onesie or T-shirt, we have created the code "love", giving you a 15 percent discount on every purchase until February 14th.
Love to all,